We need to talk about mental healthcare in the United States. Our country is at the forefront of new therapeutic approaches, pharmaceutical developments, and psychometric testing. And yet, somehow, mental healthcare is just not keeping up with the population. While over 40 million American adults are suffering from a mental illness, fewer than half of them are receiving treatment.

This is as true of New York and New Jersey as it is anywhere else. Our bustling modern lives make us vulnerable to a ton of stress, along with questions about meaning and trouble maintaining a work-life balance. We have a slightly higher rate of access to mental healthcare than some other states, but lack of treatment is still prevalent.

Why should this be the case? Anyone who has searched for a psychologist in NYC knows that it’s not an intuitive process. Most people have no idea where to start, and handing them a directory of names doesn’t help.

If you’re searching for a psychologist in Newark NJ, you’ll come across the same problems. Furthermore, most therapists have long waiting lists, and the average American cannot afford their rates.

Something has got to change. Welcome to online therapy with ThriveTalk.

ThriveTalk makes finding a therapist in Jersey City, Newark, NYC, or anywhere else, a breeze. Here’s how it works.

Online Therapy: A New Method for Effective Treatment

Online therapy seems like it was made for the natives of New York and New Jersey. Our traffic jams reflect just how busy our lives are. At the same time, we’re innovating technology as rapidly as anywhere else. Our startup scene doesn’t even want the comparisons to Silicon Valley.

So, online therapy with ThriveTalk is perfectly suited to the average New Yorker. If you’re skeptical about online therapy, let’s assuage some of your concerns.

What exactly is online therapy?

Online therapy refers to therapy carried out remotely. In other words, you communicate with your therapist through voice and video calls, from the comfort of your own home or office. It is simply a new method for receiving effective treatment.

Anyone searching for a psychologist in Jersey City, NYC, and anywhere else, can find one in minutes. You can connect with them without worrying about traffic or waiting rooms. And it is cheaper than ever.

Everyone has access to therapy now.

How Does Therapy Work?

Never been to therapy before? You might be anxious about what therapy entails. TV shows and movies have long given us an inaccurate idea of what therapy is and how it can help you.

Therapy works by giving you the space to talk to a highly-skilled psychologist who will take you through a process of self-discovery. They are both a helping hand and a guide. They will help deal with whatever problems you have, whether you’re suffering from a mental illness like depression, or want to find more meaning in your life and relationships.

Different therapists have different approaches. Some will gently direct you to discover a way through your own problems. Others use more hands-on techniques, giving you skills with which to challenge distorted thinking.

No matter what the therapist’s approach is, the first session is going to be a crucial part of your journey. Here is what you can expect.

The First Session

You can consult with a therapist on ThriveTalk before committing to a session with them. During these consultations, you’ll try and assess who you think you can click with best. Once you’ve chosen someone, you will schedule your first session with them. Finding a therapist in New York has never been easier.

First Impressions

The moment you enter your first session, you will form first impressions. As humans, this is what we do on an instinctual level. Your first impressions can give you an idea of how you’re going to relate to them and how you think they’ll help you. You’ll also probably make some snap judgments which turn out to be inaccurate. Be open to adapting your first impressions as you get to know each other.


The most significant factor in successful therapy is the relationship between the client and the psychologist. You and your therapist will form a rapport along the way. For some people, that rapport will be instant. Many others will take some time to warm up to each other.

If, however, you strongly feel you cannot form a rapport with this particular therapist, you might consider seeing someone else.

Presenting Problem

Whether or not you can pinpoint it, everyone has a reason they have come to therapy. This is your presenting problem. You don’t have to enter your first session with a fully formed idea of your presenting problem, just as you don’t need to know what’s wrong when you visit a GP.

In the first session, your therapist will explore this problem with you. They will help you accurately describe it, and form a treatment plan based around it.

Your understanding of this problem may well change through the therapeutic process and other problems may arise, but this serves as a starting point.

Personal History

Much of the first session will be spent discussing your personal history. Your therapist will ask about your parents and siblings and other important family, major milestones, disappointments, traumas, and losses. They will ask what you identify as turning points in your life.

They do this to get a better context on who you are and which defense mechanisms you use. Everyone uses defense mechanisms to cope, and these are certainly necessary. However, defense mechanisms that are overworking or aren’t appropriate to current circumstances are often at the core of mental health problems.

Your therapist will also want an idea of where you’re from. Growing up or living in a place like NYC or Jersey City has an impact on your identity. It’s all a part of your context, which good therapy will take into account.

What Happens in Follow-Up Sessions?

Having discussed a treatment plan in your first session, follow-up sessions will focus on carrying out its imperatives. In these sessions you’ll do the work you and the therapist have settled on. Your therapist will regularly reassess how you’re doing, ensuring that they don’t pursue avenues that are not helping and that they adapt any inaccurate notions they have picked up along the way.

Am I Going to Get Diagnosed with a Mental Illness?

You don’t need to have a mental illness to benefit from therapy. As such, your presenting problem will not necessarily result in a diagnosis. A mental illness is systematic and prevents you from functioning as well as you normally would. You can have many problems that are independent of any particular illness.

That does not mean your problems are not serious or important. Your treatment plan will be constructed according to your problems and whether they constitute a mental illness.

What Can I Do to Get the Most Out of Online Therapy?

If you want to get the most out of online therapy, there are some commitments you’ll need to make to yourself.

Be Honest

Therapy is designed as a space to be honest. That’s something we’re missing in the excitement of life in New York and New Jersey. It’s never easy to share, but psychologists are legally bound to keep whatever you say confidential.

Almost no one is able to be 100% open right from the get-go. But if you commit to being as honest as you can as much of the time, you’ll form a trusting relationship with your therapist. The more trust you build, the more you’ll feel comfortable sharing.

Be Open-Minded

Therapy might not always be exactly what you’re expecting. Your counselor might say things that don’t immediately resonate with you, or suggest techniques that you’re skeptical of.

It’s important to be open-minded in these moments. Therapy relies on a level of trust. Even if something is not intuitive to you, remember that you’re speaking to a highly-skilled professional, who is using evidence-based techniques. You don’t have to agree with everything they suggest, but don’t write anything off, either.

Ask Questions

At the same time, try not to be afraid to ask questions. Since therapy is based on trust, your therapist will do everything they can to help you understand how they are going about helping you. Rather than being uncomfortable in silence, voice your concerns. They will be open to discussing it with you, as long as you have shown a commitment to accepting their help.

Find Your Therapist With ThriveTalk

Finding a therapist in New York and New Jersey has never been easy. Our lives here are so full, with busy work and personal lives, and way too much traffic. Now you no longer have to hassle to find a therapist.

Use ThriveTalk to begin affordable online therapy today. We have the New York and New Jersey areas covered. You’ll find the perfect therapist at your fingertips.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings

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