Being the second largest city on the East Coast, Chicago is a 21st-century metropolis where progress, multiculturalism, and diversity are thriving. And just like any modern metropolis, Chicagoland is home to numerous clinics that offer top mental health services. If you’re looking for a Chicago counselor, let’s take this opportunity to find out what the Windy City has to offer in terms of counseling services.

Chicago Counselor: Highlights

  • There are more than 60 trauma and PTSD treatment centers listed on Psychology Today. And that doesn’t include hospitals, private practice offices, or other counseling centers.
  • NAMI, one of the largest mental health nonprofits in the country, has a strong presence in Chicago.
  • Last month, Chicago hosted a veteran’s ruck march to raise awareness of PTSD and veteran suicide.

How Can a Chicago Counselor Help?

In recent years, problems like depression, anxiety, or stress have increased significantly. As a result, mental health and counseling services have become a priority for many policymakers.

With the help of a psychologist or therapist, you can overcome behavioral and mood disorders that threaten your wellbeing and prevent you from achieving personal growth. 

Which Mental Health Conditions Can a Counselor Help With?

In mega-cities, like Chicago, you can find counseling services for almost every mental health condition. From depression and anxiety to substance abuse, trauma, and domestic violence.  

There are also numerous nonprofits that focus on social work, awareness campaigns, crisis intervention, and support.

Finding the Best Chicago Counselor

There are two ways in which you can get in touch with a Chicago counselor.


If you’re looking for a licensed Chicago counselor, start by asking for a referral from healthcare professionals. A general physician, psychiatrist, nurse, or clinical social worker can put you in contact with a licensed clinical psychologist who can help you overcome your emotional struggles.

Online Resources

The most accessible place to find counseling services is the online environment. Since the future is already here, most clinics and private practitioners have a robust online presence. 

Mental Health Treatment Options in Chicago

So, what options do Chicago citizens have in terms of mental health and counseling services?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy is an evidence-based therapeutic approach that focuses on assisting clients in challenging their irrational thoughts and dysfunctional core beliefs.

Prolonged Exposure Therapy

For people who struggle with anxiety or panic attacks, prolonged exposure therapy is the ideal approach. By gradually exposing yourself to your fears, you will eventually manage to overcome them.

Present Centered Therapy

One of the main reasons why we struggle with emotional issues is that we tend to regret the past and worry about the future. Through present-centered therapy, you can achieve well-being by learning to reconnect with the “here and now.”

Group Therapy

Sometimes, recovery is a matter of team effort. It’s comforting to be around people who understand what you’re going through and are willing to provide emotional support.

Online Therapy

Digitalization has had a tremendous impact on mental health services. Nowadays, mental health experts can provide counseling services via online therapy. It’s probably the quickest and easiest way to get in touch with a professional who can assist you in overcoming mental illness. 


Medication is part of the “traditional” approaches to mental health. Despite its unpleasant side effects, psychiatrists often recommend it for severe cases of mental illness. It might not be the ideal option, but it’s among the best ones we have available right now.

Community-Based Support in Chicago

Community-based support plays a crucial role in recovery. But what exactly does community support involve?


Part of preventing mental illness is educating people about the symptoms of common mental health disorders. On top of that, people also need to know what to do in case they, or someone close to them, are going through a rough patch.

Peer Recovery Support

We know for a fact that social support facilitates recovery. For example, those who’ve battled addictions can help others who are dealing with the same problem. In the end, peer support is about building a community where people help each other overcome addictions, trauma, and other mental health conditions.

Rehabilitation and Job Training

Rehabilitation and job training programs help people with mental illness regain stability and become active members of society. It takes more than just counseling and mental health treatment to achieve recovery.   

Chicago: Raising Mental Health Awareness

Every year, Chicago hosts numerous mental health awareness campaigns. Such events offer citizens an opportunity to contribute to the well-being of their community.  

Take a Stand Walk

The Take a Stand Walk that took place last month brought together residents of Illinois to bridge the gap in mental health services.

Mental Health Awareness

The first step in solving any community problem is letting people know there’s a problem that requires their attention.

No-One is Immune to Mental Illness

As any licensed clinical psychologist can tell you, anyone is vulnerable to mental illness. And that’s why, parents, schools, and mental health professionals need to work together if we wish to create a healthier society for the youth.

Chicago Veterans Ruck March

The Chicago ruck march is one of the many awareness campaigns that draw attention to a severe problem – PTSD. Unfortunately, society has done little to assist those who served their country in dealing with their emotional wounds.  

PTSD and the Military

When it comes to mental illness, veterans are among the most vulnerable groups. Perhaps now’s the time to give something back to the people who sacrificed their health so that we could live in peace.

Who Is Affected By PTSD?

PTSD is a condition that results from exposure to a traumatic event. That means veterans aren’t the only ones who might be dealing with this problem. Children, college students, and pretty much anyone who witnesses a traumatic event is at risk of developing this condition.

Find Help Today!

If you’re struggling with PTSD, trauma, or any other emotional problem, visit this website for a comprehensive list of organizations that can provide support.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings

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