San Diego Marriage Counseling

San Diego marriage counseling services offer help to distressed couples who wish to repair and reinvent their relationship. In terms of mental health and couples counseling, the second-largest city in California is home to numerous highly trained professionals who can assist individuals and couples in achieving wellbeing.

San Diego Marriage Counseling: Highlights

According to a report released by the California Health Care Foundation, roughly 15% of all Californians struggle with a form of mental illness. Furthermore, 7.6% of children are dealing with serious emotional disturbance.

Sand Diego county officials have put together a plan to turn a dilapidated facility in Hillcrest into a behavioral health center. That means residents of Hillcrest neighborhood will benefit from a modern mental health facility.

In August, San Diego will host the 7th Annual Community Mental Health Summit. This event will bring together community mental health providers and VA providers, in an attempt to provide better health services to veterans who are struggling with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, relationship issues, and other related problems.

If you’re looking for therapy in San Diego, here’s a comprehensive list of professionals who can assist individuals and families through pre-marital counseling, anger management, conflict resolution, emotionally focused therapy, and other forms of counseling services.

Can Marriage Counseling Save Your Marriage?

Building a lasting marriage is no easy job. It takes effort and determination from both partners to cultivate a healthy and happy relationship.

When one partner is dealing with emotional problems like depression, anxiety, or grief and loss, his/her significant other will inevitably suffer.   

Through couples therapy, partners can gain a deeper understanding of the problems that are affecting their relationship, improve communication, and help each other overcome mood disorders.

A marriage therapist can help you (and your partner) rekindle the passion that has brought you together or accept the fact that each of you is better off separated.

What Is Available in San Diego?

Being one of the largest cities in the country, San Diego offers a wide range of mental health and couples counseling services.

One example is Thriveworks, a premiere mental health counseling and life coaching service that can help you achieve personal growth through individual counseling. For couples in distress, Thriveworks provides both couples counseling and marriage therapy.

If you wish to consult a professional in your area, google ‘San Diego marriage counseling.’ You’ll find plenty of clinics and private practitioners that offer quality counseling services for couples, individuals, and families.

When Do Couples Need Marriage Counseling?

Let’s look at some of the telltale signs which indicate your marriage might be in trouble.

Communication Problems

As we all know, good communication is one of the foundations of lasting marriages. When partners experience difficulties communicating with each other, problems can pile up quickly, leading to criticism, contempt, and emotional isolation.

Increasing Distance

Physical distance (e.g., one partner is temporarily working abroad) or emotional distance (e.g., partners no longer feel emotionally connected) can inflict severe wounds upon your relationship. But with the help of a licensed marriage counselor, your two can ‘fix the cracks’ in your marriage and rediscover the love the brought you together.


Lack of Intimacy

Without emotional and sexual intimacy, marriage is nothing more than two people sharing a space. If you miss the emotional closeness you once had with your partner; perhaps it’s time to consult a marriage counselor.

Bickering and Constant Fighting

John Gottman, a leading expert in marriage and relationships, believes criticism signals an incoming breakup. In other words, if you two are fighting and bickering over small things – and don’t do anything to fix this – your marriage is at risk of falling apart.


Although it’s perfectly ok to have a few secrets that you wish to keep to yourself, being a secretive person is something else. In other words, being too secretive and guarded can raise all sorts of suspicions that will become the subject of heated arguments.  

An Affair

Infidelity is among the worst problems couples can face. While the one who cheated might be struggling with guilt and shame, the one who was cheated on might experience feelings of worthlessness and disappointment. But the worst part is that infidelity affects trust – one of the foundations of lasting marriages.

Periods of Change

Change is never easy. Even when it makes way for something better, change can be the source of anxiety, stress, and doubt. When couples transition through periods of change, it’s essential to have someone who will help them overcome fear and safely guide them to their destination.

Marriage Counseling and Relationship Dynamics

So, what exactly can we gain from consulting a marriage counselor?

Better Communication Skills

One of the main goals of couples therapy is to improve partners’ communication skills. And that’s because effective communication paves the way for conflict resolution and helps partners gain a deeper understanding of each other’s needs and desires.


Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution is a set of strategies that allow couples to mitigate arguments healthily and come to a mutually satisfying agreement. Through conflict resolution, spouses can put a peaceful ending to their bickering and constant fighting.

Awareness of Damaging Relationship Patterns

Dysfunctional thinking patterns represent a serious threat to the integrity of relationships and marriages. If we wish to invest in a lasting union, we need to identify and fix dysfunctional patterns as soon as they begin to manifest in our relationship.


A Deeper Understanding of Eachother

Ultimately, couples therapy is about gaining a deeper understanding of your partner’s needs and desires. And once you begin to resonate with each other on a more profound level, you will find the emotional resources you need to turn your marriage into a lifelong journey.


The Sooner You Begin, The Sooner You Can Restore Your Marriage!

Overall, marriage counseling plays a vital role in couples’ wellbeing, providing a space where partners can reconnect with each other on an emotional level.  

If you’re looking for a sharp San Diego marriage counseling expert, Psychology Today has put together a list of licensed therapists who can assist you in fixing your marriage.   

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings
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