New Orleans

As a nation, we’re committed to freedom of speech. But there are some things Americans are scared to talk about. Mental illness is one of those taboo topics. It is spoken about in whispers and few people are willing to admit they need help.

Unfortunately, this isn’t because mental illness is rare. On the contrary. At least 1 in 5 American adults is suffering from a mental illness. That’s over 40 million people!

The frightening thing is that fewer than half of these people receive treatment of any form. Access to mental healthcare in New Orleans, and Louisiana in general, is particularly bad. We hold the pursuit of happiness to be one of the most important rights of any American, but people suffering from mental illness don’t have this privilege until they get help.

There’s a desperate need for something better. Welcome to ThriveTalk.

ThriveTalk brings online therapy to anyone looking for a psychologist in New Orleans and throughout America. Therapy is at your fingertips.

Online Therapy is a New Method for an Old Treatment

Therapy has been evolving for over 100 years, and it is proven to work. There are a range of theories and approaches, and they are all very effective. However, access has been mostly limited to those who have the time and money, or those who have been hospitalized.

Online therapy keeps the basic tenets of therapy while bringing it to a much wider audience. It’s a new method for an old treatment, making it accessible without compromising the quality.

Now, anyone can make the time to see a therapist. Finding a psychologist in New Orleans has never been easier. You don’t have to worry about spending time in traffic to get there. There’s no chance you’ll be seen walking in or out of their office. And it’s more affordable.

You can fit a 50 minute session into a 50 minute break, or opt for a shorter session. Not a minute is wasted.

How Does Therapy Work?

If you’ve never been to therapy before, you are probably unsure of how it works. TV shows and movies have given us a very inaccurate portrayal of what therapy is. Real life therapists are down-to-earth and open. They focus on helping you reach the answers you’re looking for, rather than telling you what to do.

Therapy differs depending on the therapist. Every therapist takes a specific approach, based on their own background and what they think will work for you. They will give you an idea of how they approach therapy in their write-up and in a consultation, and you can decide how you feel about it.

Searching for psychologists in New Orleans has been so hard because you’ve had to prioritize proximity over finding the right person. Now you can choose the right person without worrying about getting to their offices.

The First Session

The first session with a therapist is a very significant part of the process. This is when you start building an understanding of each other, and formulate an early treatment plan. Here is what you can expect.

First Impressions

At the beginning of your first session, you’ll form some first impressions of your therapist and the process. You’ll get more of an idea of how they relate to you and what they understand of you. You’ll spend time orienting yourself in the process, learning what to expect and what’s expected of you.


The therapist-client relationship is at the basis of all good therapy. In the first session, you’ll begin to form a rapport with your psychologist. They are typically excellent at forming a rapport. Some people are quicker to form a rapport and begin opening up than others. If it takes you a little longer, this is nothing to worry about. As long as you’re open to the process, you will find that rapport forming a strong foundation to the therapy process.

Presenting Problem

What is the reason you’re seeking a psychologist in New Orleans?

You don’t need to know the answer to this. You may only have a vague idea of what your biggest motivating factor is. In the first session, you will discuss it with your therapist, who will help you explore the core problem. Even if you know what your presenting problem is, you’ll find yourself better able to define it at the end of the first session.

Personal History

Much of the first session will be spent on your personal history. Your therapist will want to know about your parents, siblings, and other important family members. They will ask you about milestones, losses, traumas, and everything important that has made you who you are.

This will help them understand your context and the context of your problem. You will find yourself learning more about how you see your personal history and what narratives you’ve taken on.

Your history will be a significant part in exploring how not to repeat the same mistakes and move forward in life.

What Happens in Follow-Up Sessions?

In follow-up sessions, you will begin the treatment plan that your therapist has set out for you. As you go, that plan will adapt and change according to new information, interpretations, and events in your life.

Throughout the process, your therapist will constantly reassess their understanding of you, adding to it and adapting it when necessary.

You will also become more comfortable sharing and being vulnerable with them. The more time you spend in therapy, the more you’ll be able to internalize that they have your best interests at heart. None of us are naturals at sharing in a candid way. It will take a bit of time, so don’t beat yourself up if you’re still withholding something after a few sessions.

Am I Going to Get Diagnosed with a Mental Illness?

Not everyone who seeks therapy is going to be diagnosed with a mental illness. There are many reasons you may be looking for a psychologist in New Orleans that have nothing to do with mental illness.

A mental illness has a very specific definition. It refers to a pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that have a significant impact on your day-to-day functioning. If you are suffering from a mental illness, therapy will definitely help you work through the issues at the heart of it.

But therapy has a lot to offer you regardless of whether you have a mental illness. You can use this space to learn to deal with problems more skilfully. You can improve your relationships and identify people or situations that are toxic to you.

You can use the time to explore and search for meaning, gaining a better understanding of what you want in your life and how to go about working towards it.

What Can I Do to Get the Most Out of Online Therapy?

Whether you are seeing a psychologist online or going to a psychologist in New Orleans, you need to make certain commitments in order to get the most out of it. You need to trust in the process and in your therapist’s experience.

Here are some important commitments to keep in mind.

Be Honest

Being honest with anyone can be difficult. We’re not used to sharing our most personal thoughts and feelings. We’re not used to showing anyone the sides of ourselves we feel ashamed of.

Therapy is designed to make sharing safe and as comfortable as possible. Psychologists are legally bound to keep everything you tell them confidential. The only times they are allowed to break that confidentiality is if they have strong cause to believe you are an immediate danger to yourself or others.

You don’t have to worry about them sharing what you tell them with anyone. Things you wouldn’t feel safe sharing even with friends and family, you can tell your therapist.

Be Open-Minded

Therapy is unlike anything you’ve done before. It’s a process that can be scary at first. It can be disorienting and confusing. Sometimes, your therapist will say or suggest things that seem counterintuitive to you.

In order to get the most out of therapy, you need to be open-minded. That does not mean you should accept everything unequivocally. Often your therapist will want your feedback on their interpretations and how you feel about what they are saying. But you should try keeping your skepticism to a minimum, giving the process a chance before deciding that you don’t think it is working.

Ask Questions

Being open-minded does not mean you sohuldnt ask questions. If you’re unsure of everything, ask your therapist to explain it to you. If you want more information about their approach and what you can expect, ask them. There is no harm in asking questions, as long as you’re open to the answers.

Find Your Therapist With ThriveTalk

Start your search today with ThriveTalk. In no time, you will be speaking to one of our expert therapists. Finding a psychologist in New Orleans has never been easier.

Click through to find the right therapist for you online with ThriveTalk.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings
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