
Have you decided to take the step to start therapy? Congratulations! The decision to start therapy can be life-changing. You will soon be getting help carrying burdens which you’ve had to deal with on your own. You will learn how to set goals to improve your life and work towards them.

Whether or not you suffer from a mental illness, therapy is going to be a huge help in your life. Unfortunately, finding counseling in Cleveland is not always easy. And there are a lot of people suffering from mental illness who have not received treatment.

The stats on mental illness treatment in America are not inspiring reading. One in five adults in the Cleveland area are suffering from mental illness. Throughout the country, this adds up to over 40 million Americans. However, more than half that number are not receiving treatment.

There are many reasons for this, including lack of awareness and a lack of access. Something needs to change. This is where ThriveTalk comes in.

Online therapy with ThriveTalk makes finding counseling in Cleveland easy. Here’s what you know to find the perfect therapist for you.

Start Your Search for a Therapist Here

Finding a therapist has never been easy. For decades, people have relied on referrals and directories to find a licensed professional. But finding a professional is just the start. Good therapy relies on a relationship between the client and the therapist. You need to find the right person for you.

With ThriveTalk, finding the right therapist is no longer a shot in the dark. Our highly-skilled therapists are all fully licensed and are experts in a range of specialties. They include specialists in depression and anxiety, OCD, couple’s counseling, and much more.

Before you commit to a particular therapist, you can have a consultation, during which you assess whether they’re right for you. While all licensed therapists are highly-qualified to help you, some are going to click with you more than others.

There are now more options for counseling in Cleveland than ever before. Here is how you can go about finding the right person.

Finding the Best Therapist for You

Online therapy refers to therapy that is done remotely. In other words, you speak to a therapist via video or voice calling, and sometimes you can even text them. This makes it far easier to find the best therapist for you.

1. The Right Psychologist is Not Always Close to Home

One of the problems finding counseling in Cleveland was that you had to see someone in your vicinity. Few of us have time to drive for hours to get to a therapy session. Therefore, our options were limited.

With ThriveTalk, the right therapist is as close as you need them to be. Since you’re talking to them remotely, you don’t have to be in the same room. You can do so from the comfort of your own home or office. This means you spend no time in traffic or waiting rooms.

Instead of choosing a psychologist who is convenient, you can choose the best person for you. Making it to appointments is no longer a problem.

2. Are They Selling Themselves or Explaining How They Work?

Discuss with a potential therapist what they can offer you. Take note of whether they seem to be selling themselves or their work. The best therapists have your best interests at heart. They’ll explain what they can offer you, but understand that they might not be the right fit.

Are they trying to convince you that they’re the one? If so, you might want to think twice about choosing them. It does not mean they’re not going to be able to help you, but that they may be more interested in getting your business.

Listen to what they tell you about how they work, and try to get an idea of what therapy with them would look like. If it appeals to you, then they could be the psychologist you’re looking for.

3. Talk to Them

Good therapy relies on you forming a rapport with your therapist. This will not always happen immediately, especially if you’re skeptical about the process in the first place. But in an initial consultation, take the opportunity to talk to them. Ask about anything that bothers you, and they can assuage your concerns or give you advice about starting therapy.

4. Notice How You Feel Talking to Them

Importantly, notice how you feel talking to them. It’s not always possible to know if you’re going to click with them without before the first session. But sometimes you just know. On the other hand, sometimes you can tell it is certainly not going to work. You can tell you will have a hard time forming that rapport with them.

Finding counseling in Cleveland has been hard for many people because they haven’t had the chance to talk to potential counselors in advance. Therefore, they spend their first session sussing the person out. When they realize it won’t work out, they’ve already invested time and money.

5. It’s Okay To Second Guess Yourself

Finally, finding the right therapist is a very personal process. Don’t be afraid to change your mind. Even if you feel like you “owe” something to a psychologist who you consulted with, they will understand that someone else might suit you better. You don’t have to worry about offending them.

It might take talking to a few therapists before you settle on the right one. Getting to the perfect psychologist on ThriveTalk is much easier than finding counseling in Cleveland. Get started now and you’ll be talking to an expert in no time.

Getting The Help You Need and Deserve With ThriveTalk

You deserve help with carrying some of the heavy burdens of the modern day. Life’s not easy for anyone, even if it sometimes feels like it should be. Therapy can improve your personal life, your career, and your relationships. It can help you find meaning and fulfilment. Why would you keep that from yourself?

If you think you may be suffering from a mental illness, you should certainly try ThriveTalk today. You’re not alone. Tens of millions of Americans are suffering too – it’s not a weakness and it’s not your fault. The healthcare system is finally catching up with mental health. It’s time to take advantage of our excellent modern professionals.

Maybe in the past, finding counseling in Cleveland was difficult and intimidating, but not anymore. WIth ThriveTalk, you can get the help you need and deserve without the wait.

Therapy Is For Everyone

Are you skeptical that therapy is for you? You don’t need to be suffering from a mental illness to see a therapist. In fact, you don’t need to be suffering at all!

Therapy is for everyone, because no one can work this complicated world out on their own. We start life without a guide, and along the way it only gets more confusing. A psychologist can be that guide, helping you find your own way to the life you never knew you wanted.

Some forms of therapy are focused on solving particular problems. Other forms of therapy help you appreciate the life you already have. Mindfulness-based therapies, for example, teach you to see the world around you for what it is. You’ll start noticing the beauty of nature in Lake Erie, the astounding ingenuity in the buildings, roadways, and technology that humans have created, and the wonder of simply being alive in your own body.

Therapy is for you, even if you have no problems you want to “fix.” It will help you find more meaning in this complicated world.

Helpful Questions to Ask Our Therapists

It might be helpful to take some questions into your first consultation. Consider asking our therapists some of the following:

  • What is your specialty? All of our psychologists are highly-skilled and can help just about anyone. But each of them has specialized in certain areas and clicks with certain issues.
  • How do you go about therapy? Our psychologists also have their own ways of carrying out therapy. Some focus more on guiding you in talking things through. Others take a more hands-on, practical approach. What works for you isn’t necessarily what works for someone else.
  • What do you think I need? Explain some of your concerns to the therapist and let them tell you what they think you need. You’ll get an idea of how much they understand where you’re coming from and if you like their approach.

Get Started Today

Find the right therapist today with ThriveTalk. Getting counseling in Cleveland has never been easier. There is no long process you’ll have to follow before your first session. With just a few clicks, you’ll be on your way to mental wellness.

All of our psychologists are ready to take your questions. Get started today and start appreciating life more than ever.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings
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