Chicago Family Counseling

Chicago Family Counseling can help families to find solutions to problematic situations. Family counselors teach families how to communicate better. This helps to increase their understanding and tolerance of one another, and to identify and treat mental health issues.

Chicago Family Counseling: Highlights

  • Chicago family counseling is imparted by qualified professionals with a master’s degree in clinical psychology who are approved by the American Psychological Association.
  • Sessions usually take place in person at a counseling center, although family health counseling over the internet is also possible. 
  • Counseling sessions usually last about an hour and the therapist may use marriage and family counseling, individual counseling, or couples therapy.
  • The counselor is always completely impartial.
  • A family counseling program typically lasts twelve sessions, but this depends on the specific needs of the family.

What is Family Counseling and How Can it Help?

Family counseling services help families to develop the skills they need to resolve issues. Sometimes, it is the behavior of one particular member of the family that is disrupting the normal functioning of the family as a whole. This could include things like substance abuse, eating disorders, or mental illness. Sometimes, it may be the actual dynamics within the family that are causing problems. This is often the case in families where there is domestic violence, trauma, or difficulty communicating.

Normally, the counselor first meets with the whole family to discover where the problems are. They will encourage each person to express themselves. The counselor will observe them and the response of the rest of the family to them. A professional in psychology will be able to identify signs of mental illness and recommend the appropriate treatment. Many mental illnesses develop during the teenage years and if identified and treated quickly, years of suffering can be avoided.

Signs of Teen Depression and Anxiety

The “teenage years” is a time when a lot of changes happen which some youths have trouble adapting to. If your youngster exhibits any of the following signs you should see your doctor ASAP.

  • Withdrawn, introverted, tearful
  • Sad, anxious, feelings of hopelessness
  • Irritable, hostile, angry
  • Changes in eating habits
  • Sleep disruption
  • Substance abuse
  • Poor performance in school
  • Self-harm or talk of suicide

How You Can Help a Teen in Need

Any talk of suicide or self-harm should be taken very seriously and you should seek help immediately. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can be reached at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) and they provide phone support 24/7.

Additionally, you can speak with a mental health professional at the Chicago Behavioral Hospital by calling 844-756-8600. They offer assessments that are free and confidential.

Treatment Options for Depressed Teens in Chicago

Therapy takes a holistic approach that takes into account the mind, body, and spirit.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is a type of therapy based on talking. Youngsters learn how their thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs affect the way they behave and feel, and how they can control this.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

DBT is based on CBT but places more emphasis on controlling emotions and improving relationships and social interaction.

Family Therapy

This therapy shows the whole family how they can develop techniques to support and help a family member with depression or anxiety.

Online Therapy

Therapy via the internet using emails, chats, or video calls can be a great option as youngsters are used to communicating in these ways and feel comfortable and safe doing so.

Complementary Therapies

Massage and relaxation techniques, yoga, Tai Chi, or any kind of physical activity as well as various herbal medicines can all help with depression.

Chicago Mental Health Statistics

Recent figures show that half of the adolescents living in the Chicago inner-city show signs of depression, with 34% displaying symptoms which interfere with their normal activities.

Why Are Mental Health Problems Increasing Among Chicago Youths?

Slow diagnosis and a lack of treatment options have contributed to the increase in mental health problems in Chicago. Moreover, Illinois is third in the nation with regard to cutting funding for mental health programs. Sadly, many youngsters suffering from mental illness end up in prison because they are not receiving the treatment they need.

What Are the Risk Factors for Teen Depression?

Youngsters who are influenced by one or more of the following risk factors are more at risk of developing depression.

Family History of Mental Illness

A history of any kind of mental illness, not only depression, in the family, is a risk factor.

Family Dysfunction

Youngsters who grow up in a family where there are constant arguments, a lack of respect, or substance abuse, are also more likely to develop depression and a substance abuse disorder.

Neighborhood Risk Factors

Peer pressure can make some young people feel isolated and alone. It can also push teens into doing things that they know are wrong for the sake of fitting in.

Social Problems

Poor school performance and a lack of interests or friendships can also contribute to depression.

Financial Issues

The concerns of a family facing financial difficulties can cause insecurity in youngsters who may also feel anxious about future education expenses.


Any kind of traumatic event, such as the death of a loved one or any kind of physical, emotional, or sexual abuse can spark depression.

Substance Abuse

Drug or alcohol abuse by any member of the family is another negative factor.

Let’s Stand Together to Save the Youth

Youngsters can experience overwhelming pressures, and it is really important to be aware of any signs that your children are suffering from stress, anxiety, or depression. Seeking counseling in Chicago at an early stage can get them the help they need to restore their mental health.

Individuals and families can benefit from family therapy which will ensure that each member of the family gets the guidance they need. A strong family unit can provide the support and stability that is necessary to confront and overcome any situation. They can solve problems and know how to deal with future ones in a positive way.


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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings
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