Ketamine Clinic New York

Ketamine clinics in New York City are a new phenomenon that are becoming increasingly popular amongst mental health practitioners and patients alike. Traditionally, ketamine is used as a hospital anaesthetic or horse tranquilizer. However, ketamine has also been used illicitly as a recreational drug known as “Special K”, which is said to create a dissociated state known as the “K-Hole”.  Today, however, ketamine has been labelled a “miracle drug” and endorsed by the FDA as a powerful treatment strategy for addressing mental illness. 

Ketamine Clinic New York: Highlights 

  • Ketamine has traditionally been used as an anaesthetic or horse tranquilizer. Today, the drug is FDA approved mental health treatment. 
  • Ketamine clinics in New York administer the drug via a drip or nasal spray. At times, the drug is combined with talk therapy. 
  • Research suggests that depression in particular responds well to ketamine therapy, although people with anxiety and PTSD also stand to benefit. 
  • While more research is needed, ketamine therapy seems to work quickly and safely with a more powerful effect on mental illness that other treatments aren’t able to provide. 

Where Can I Find a Ketamine Clinic in New York?

A Google search for “Ketamine Clinic New York” brings up an array of options, such as NY Ketamine InfusionsJeff Ditzel’s ClinicActify Neurotherapies and Ketamine Infusions NYC. The American Society of Ketamine Physicians also provides a national directory. Alternatively, you could ask your doctor or psychiatrist for a referral. However, note that ketamine therapy is a new and controversial treatment that not all doctors advocate. 

Why Use a Ketamine Clinic in New York?

Ketamine treatment is an appealing option for those seeking improved mental health; and there are several good reasons for this: 

    Treatment-Resistant Depression

Half a million adults in New York are estimated to suffer from depression. As many as one third of people with depression don’t get relief from traditional antidepressants (such as Prozac, Effexor and Zoloft). Research suggests that ketamine therapy can serve as a possible alternative – and what’s more, a highly effective one.     What Makes Ketamine Different?Ketamine therapy works quickly, while antidepressant medications and talk therapy can take anything from weeks to years to work. Ketamine is also different in that it creates a burst of mood-boosting brain chemicals called GABA and Glutamate, while traditional antidepressants act on serotonin and norepinephrine. Furthermore, Ketamine doesn’t just affect brain chemicals, it also changes neurons in a way that helps the brain to rewire itself into a healthier form.    How Effective is Ketamine?

A research paper published in the Harvard Review of Psychiatry said that “No other treatment for depression to date has shown similar effects with regard to the magnitude of response to a single dose for treatment-resistant patients.” While more research is needed before we can fully understand just how powerful ketamine therapy can be, existing studies have shown that this treatment can cause a 50%-70% improvement in depressive symptoms. 

What Does a Ketamine Clinic Do?

Ketamine clinics treat various forms of mental illness by administering the drug to patients in various forms and settings, some of which we mention below. While some ketamine clinics simply administer ketamine on it’s own, others pair the treatment with talk-therapy in order to improve results. 

Ketamine Infusion Therapy

Ketamine infusion therapy involves getting hooked up to a drip and having the ketamine introduced intravenously (through the veins) over a period of about 40 minutes. While some clinics provide once-off infusions, this form of therapy usually involves a “course” of infusions over a period of weeks. 

Ketamine Nasal Spray (Esketamine)

Esketamine is a chemical that is extremely similar to ketamine. This treatment is administered in the form of nasal spray and must be used under medical supervision. Esketamine treatment is a literal lifesaver for many, frequently used as a crisis intervention for people who may suddenly become overwhelmed by suicidal urges. 

Medical Monitoring

Ketamine clinics provide more than just the drug – they also ensured that you’re closely monitored by medical personnel. This serves to ensure that the therapy takes place in the safest way possible. 

What does Ketamine Therapy Feel Like?

The effects of ketamine vary from person to person. For some it may lead to a subtle feeling of warmth, wellbeing and comfort. For others – and this is more likely at higher doses – it may lead to hallucinations, euphoria and a deep sense of peaceful interconnectedness. 

What Else Can Ketamine Help With?

While ketamine is best known for it’s astonishing impact on  treatment-resistant depression in particular, the treatment has also been shown to help people suffering from other mental health concerns. 

    Ketamine and Anxiety

Anxiety disorders affect approximately 93 million people in the USA. Much like depression, anxiety disorders are usually treated by means of medications, therapy, or a combination of the two. However, only about 30%-40% of people get relief from these methods. While more research is needed at this point, it seems that ketamine therapy may provide a more effective alternative for people suffering from anxiety. 

    Ketamine and PTSD

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a psychological condition that’s diagnosed in people who have been through a severe traumatic event, including sexual assault or witnessing violent death. Research suggests that PTSD rates in New York sky-rocketed following the September 11 attacks; and up to 30% of US veterans are thought to suffer from this debilitating condition. Again, research suggests that ketamine therapy can provide fast, safe and effective treatment for this psychological condition. 

Why Are Ketamine Clinics Growing in Popularity? 

Ketamine therapy is a new treatment approach that is creating waves amongst mental health professionals and people suffering from debilitating mental health conditions. Traditional mental health treatment options, such as medication and talk therapy, can take months to years before effects are seen. What’s more, they are only moderately effective; and medications may cause unpleasant side effects. Ketamine therapy, on the other hand, represents a potentially safe and potent treatment option for treating depression and other health concerns. What’s more, ketamine therapy is fast-acting: people experiencing mental illness are likely to feel positive effects within a matter of hours. 

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings
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