Family Counseling San Antonio: Helping Families Feel Empowered!

Family counseling is a kind of psychotherapy, or psychological counseling, which aims to improve communication between family members and to resolve conflicts. San Antonio is giving back and they are empowering the community at large by making family counseling San Antonio more affordable and accessible.

Often, families fall into negative patterns of behavior which can provoke mental or social problems in one or more of the family members. A guiding hand from a licensed therapist, psychologist, or a social worker can help families to identify and change damaging situations or behaviors.

Family therapy allows all family members to express themselves and contribute to finding solutions together, strengthening and empowering the family unit to function in a healthier way.

Family Counseling San Antonio

Families in San Antonio are fortunate to have a number of centers offering family therapy. They are usually referred to one of these centers by a doctor or social worker. Referrals can come about due to signs of abuse or neglect, evidence of substance abuse, poor performance or behavioral problems at school, illegal activities, or for other reasons.

What’s Available Today?

There are a variety of Family Counseling Services and Mental Health Services available for families and children in San Antonio. These include:

  • Marriage and Family Counseling
  • Premarital Counseling
  • Crisis Intervention
  • Emergency Shelter
  • Substance Abuse Treatment

In San Antonio families can take full advantage of these services today!

Goals of Family Counseling in San Antonio

The goal of family counseling in San Antonio is to strengthen the family unit and to create a safe and happy environment for all family members.

Strategies for Accomplishing Goals and Objectives

Counselors in San Antonio focus on things like improving communication skills, teaching respect, tolerance, and empathy to help families achieve their goals.

How San Antonio is Giving Back to the Community

San Antonio has a great support network for families. With family units functioning better, the entire community is benefiting. Moreover, many people who have received help choose to tell people about their experiences in order to help others, creating an ever-growing community of support.


San Antonio has a comprehensive program of grants for worthy projects which include family counseling services. Grant applications are simple to file and they are considered individually based on their merits and needs.

Volunteers and Community Partners

Many counseling centers in San Antonio are supported by donations from local businesses and staffed by local volunteers. For the people by the people!

Free and Affordable Counseling Services

Often, low-income families are more at risk for developing social and behavioral issues. Fortunately, many of the counseling services available in San Antonio are either free of charge or very affordable.

Mental Health Resources for Children and Families

In the San Antonio community, various mental health services are available to families.


Baptist Child and Family Services is a worldwide non-profit health and human services organization with several locations in San Antonio. Eligible young people up to the age of 17 and their families can receive counseling services at no cost. A 24/7 crisis intervention service is also available at 210-283-5183.

Healthy Start

The government-run Healthy Start program provides home visits to vulnerable women during pregnancy and during the first two years after childbirth. The service is free although clients must be assessed and referred. Open Child Protective Services (CPS) cases are accepted.


Childsafe offers specialized outpatient counseling services. This includes play therapy and in-home counseling for young people who have suffered sexual abuse. There is a sliding fee scale and Medicaid is accepted.

Center for Health Care Services

The Center for Health Care Services in Bexar County is maintained by donations and treats. It supports people of all ages with developmental disabilities, substance abuse issues, and mental illness. A Crisis Respite Residential Center provides care for qualifying children. They have a 24-hour helpline on 8-316-9241 and a Crisis Helpline at 210-223-7233.

Clarity Child Guidance Center

Clarity CGC is an outpatient mental health service offering family and individual therapies, psychiatric evaluations, and crisis stabilization for young people between the ages of 3 and 17. Fees are on a sliding scale. Medicaid, TRICARE, CHIP, and most managed care insurances are also accepted.

St Mary’s University

This student counseling center provides free couples, group, and individual counseling. It has a 24/7 student emergency line. You can contact them on 210-436-3135.

Family Service Association of San Antonio

This non-profit service provides counseling, substance abuse counseling, and play therapy at various locations. They also offer in-home services as well as service coordination advice.

Jewish Family Service

JFS offers affordable outpatient mental health counseling to people of all ages, financial circumstances, and faiths.

Family Counseling and Therapy for All Family Members in San Antonio

In San Antonio, all of the counseling services listed above are available to all family members irrespective of age, race, religion, or socioeconomic standing. That’s great news for everyone!


The family counseling services in San Antonio provide free or affordably priced counseling options and some of them accept Medicaid or other health insurance programs.

Licensed Professionals: Qualified Family Therapists

The counseling centers in San Antonio are staffed by licensed professionals and qualified family therapists. They offer a high standard of care and treatment options to cater to the needs of families in the San Antonio community.

High-Quality Professional Counseling

Just because these counseling services are free (or inexpensive), it does not mean that they are inferior to other more expensive options. 

Empowering Families!

Family Counseling San Antonio offers help and support to all families and is helping to build healthier, happier families in the San Antonio area.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings
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