Counselor San Antonio: Breaking The Stigma Towards Mental Illness 

Mental health awareness is on the rise, but the age-old stigma towards it still exists. It’s as true in Texas as anywhere else. The good news is that mental health professionals are trying to change that. With events organized in San Antonio (set-up to take good advantage of the upcoming mental health awareness month), the cultural perception of mental illness will begin to shift. Finding a professional counselor in San Antonio doesn’t have to be difficult. However, people in need first have to know how to go about asking for help.

Mental Illness Stigma in Texas

The mental illness stigma is certainly not limited to Texas. Throughout the rest of the United States, people still have negative perceptions of mental illness, in spite of a century of modern psychology. In some other countries, the stigma is far worse. Texas health authorities have consistently recognized the harm that the stigma has on vulnerable people and they are working hard to bring it to light.

Cultural Expectations

The mental illness stigma is in part connected to a misunderstanding of the American dream. As American adults, we teach our children that with hard work they can become anything they want to be. Unfortunately, a narrow understanding of this often leads people to forget that the playing field is never level. Hard work can get you far, but when you’re suffering from a mental illness, it can be a challenge to just get out of bed each day.

Ignorance of mental illness leads people to believe that depression is just laziness, or that anxiety is just an excuse. While the truth is that an individual struggling with any of these illnesses is often working much harder than anyone else to just be okay.

Negative Effects of Not Seeking Help

The mental illness stigma leads many people to not seek help, believing they should be dealing with their own issues. They’re embarrassed to ask and don’t feel they deserve it. Not seeking help can lead to negative outcomes and even death. A person can spend years trying to succeed in various aspects of their lives and not understand why they battle harder than everyone else. If they seek help, they can get the resources necessary to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

On the other hand, if they don’t seek help, they can begin to have feelings of hopelessness, which may lead to despair. Far too many people suffering from mental illness die by committing suicide, without ever asking for help.

Breaking the Stigma

In San Antonio (and Texas in general) events are held throughout the year to contribute to breaking the stigma. These include Mental Health Awareness Month (in May each year), community walks, family days, lantern releases, and more.

High Demand for Professional Counseling Services

Throughout America, and in San Antonio in particular, there is a high demand for professional counseling services. One in five children may suffer with a mental illness, and school counselors have become a necessity. A school counselor can offer guidance and teach children coping skills. Even those children who are struggling due to the stress of school should know they have someone to talk to. There is also a need for counseling centers that cater to people from all walks of life. Many people would choose to see a counselor in San Antonio one-on-one, if they had easier access.

A Way to Bring Awareness

The San Antonio Counseling and Behavioral Center (SACBC) organizes events to bring awareness and break the stigma towards mental illness.

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the SACBC and other organizations have events lined up to involve the whole community. You can get a “Maynicure” as part of One in Five Minds’ May awareness drive, with a kick-off party on May 6. One of SACBC’s biggest events is the May 30 lantern release.

The Lantern Release

On May 30, people will gather from around San Antonio to light and release floating lanterns. These will serve as a visual representation of what is often thought of as a silent or invisible illness. You can find out more about it on the SACBC website.

Mental Health Resources in San Antonio

There are mental health resources available in San Antonio if you know where to look. Visit the following websites to learn about the various ways to get help:

How Online Therapy Can Help

Finding a counselor in San Antonio does not have to be difficult. If you’re not ready to phone up and visit a counselor in person, there is a fantastic alternative in online therapy. Online therapy puts you face-to-face with a counselor over video chat (or voice and text chat). It is easy to schedule an appointment through an online form and you do not have to sit in a waiting room or risk being seen there.

Counselor San Antonio: Finding a Licensed Professional

Start searching for a counselor in San Antonio now! The sooner you seek help, the sooner you can experience relief and personal growth. Finding a licensed professional through online therapy is easy, even if you are worried about the stigma. Alternatively, use one of the resources above to get help from a counselor or counseling center.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings
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