Benefits of Writing

Do you keep a journal? Perhaps you kept one when you were younger, but have not had the time or motivation to make meaningful entries as the years passed. Today, journaling is often viewed as an activity for teens or preteens. However, there are many benefits of writing that you can reap if you keep a journal for the long haul.

Writing as a Stress Management Technique

One of the biggest benefits of writing is stress reduction. If you have difficulty managing your stress, journaling is an effective way to keep it under control. Writing about your challenges helps you to explore your feelings, release tension, and come to terms with your circumstances. It can also help you to identify specific sources of stress and find healthy methods to address them.   

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, keeping a journal may promote stress management in other ways. These include:

  • Reducing your symptoms for some health issues
  • Improving your cognitive functioning
  • Helping you to see things from a new perspective
  • Helping you to examine all your options before you take action

How Can Writing Help?

Writing can help you to clear your mind and discern the connections between your thoughts, emotions, and actions. This makes it an excellent tool for setting and reaching personal goals. Writing fosters the development of both the creative and analytical parts of your brain. A more positive mood, better organization, and improved mental health are just a few additional benefits of writing regularly.

    Mood Booster

If you struggle with depression, anxiety, or other mood issues, writing about your experiences may help. Although journaling cannot replace working with a licensed therapist, it can complement talk therapy or medication-based treatments. 

Writing offers you the chance to vent negative emotions, develop a more positive perspective, and maintain your sense of well-being. Clinical evidence shows expressive writing has assisted victims of domestic abuse, teenagers with symptoms of depression, and college students who spend a lot of time ruminating about negative events. Overall, people with depression report lower depression scores if they write for only 20 minutes per day over the course of 3 days.

Similar benefits of writing have been observed in individuals with anxiety issues. If you have anxiety attacks, writing can help you to recognize negative thought patterns, identify negative automatic self-talk, and uncover the reasons for your anxiety. As you write, you will also learn more about your triggers and become more self-aware. Writing about your challenges as well as your successes helps you to remember that your circumstances can improve.

There is growing clinical support for the health benefits of writing as it relates to anxiety management. Keeping a journal has been shown to reduce anxiety symptoms in individuals with multiple sclerosis, reduce anxiety in women, and help students improve their engagement in the classroom.  

    Organizing Your Thoughts

Have you ever had a great idea but were unable to express it in words? Or have you had a response on the tip of your tongue, but when you tried to speak, your words came rushing out in a jumbled mess? These experiences can be very annoying, especially if you really know how to address the matter at hand. Writing can help prevent these situations from happening.One of the most practical benefits of writing is you get the chance to think things through and get your thoughts in order. This is very important if you want to improve your communication skills. Good communication is key to building relationships with your family members, friends, work mates, and clients. If you write regularly, you will likely improve your social interactions and give a clearer picture of the person you are when you speak with the people in your life.

    Working Through Tough Memories

Journaling can help you to process difficult memories or past trauma. It improves your mental health by helping you to confront repressed memories and emotions that may be holding you back from living the life you desire. Writing provides gentle, repeated exposure to your negative experiences so you can build up the confidence to overcome them over time. If you are affected by posttraumatic stress or related issues, writing can help you to regain control of your life.

     As a Preventive Measure

If you write daily, you will have better physical and mental health outcomes in the long run. Just as physical exercise keeps your body in shape, writing is a cognitive exercise that helps your mind to function at optimum levels. Cognitive decline and memory loss affect many elderly people around the world. However, if you keep a journal and make regular entries, you are more likely to maintain your cognitive faculties as you age.

Types of Writing

There are several different types of writing. If you intend to write long-term, it is best to practice the type you enjoy. If you are new to writing, you can try each type to find the one that works best for you. Common types of writing include gratitude journaling, emotional journaling, daily planning, and creative writing. 

Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude journaling involves writing down the things you are grateful for each day. This writing strategy promotes a positive mindset because it encourages you to focus on the good experiences and supportive people in your life. When you feel overwhelmed with anxiety or despair, reading through your positive experiences can help you to remain balanced. Gratitude journaling can also help you to strengthen your social support network, develop a healthier view of yourself, and build long-term resilience.

Emotional Journaling

Emotional journaling is the practice of writing about your feelings. You may write about any of your emotions, including sadness, happiness, surprise, anger, or excitement. Emotional journaling is an effective way to release any emotions you have bottled up inside. This form of writing gives you the opportunity to express yourself freely, process your emotions fully, and release any tension you may be feeling. 

Daily Planning

Daily planning is a journaling technique where you outline your responsibilities and goals for each day. It promotes order and organization in your daily life. Daily planning is especially important if you have a very packed schedule or need an extra bit of motivation to get things done. It can help you to get direction, maintain focus, and keep your priorities straight.

Creative Writing

Creative writing refers to writing that uses imagination. Instead of presenting cold, hard facts, your thoughts, ideas, and feelings are expressed in an imaginative or artistic way. Creative writing can be used to entertain, educate, spread awareness about an issue, or share negative experiences that are particularly painful to talk about. It is an also excellent way to help traumatized children to lower their defenses, open up, and receive the care they need.

Common forms of creative writing include:

  • Poetry
  • Fiction
  • Creative nonfiction
  • Songs
  • Plays
  • Movie scripts
  • Personal essays
  • Memoirs

Tips to Get Started

Writing down your thoughts and feelings each day can be more beneficial than you think. Keeping a journal can help you to do self analysis, identify your strengths and weaknesses, boost your positivity, work towards your goals, and stay centered. If you want to start journaling there are strategies you can employ to make the process more enjoyable and effective. Some excellent tips are mentioned below.

Use a Pen and Paper

Record your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with a pen and paper. Although some people prefer typing to writing, there is more meaning associated with each word you write by hand. The style of your handwriting may capture your emotions as you recall and begin to record the events of the day. Using a pen also gives you the option of adding drawings, doodles, or personal notes that bring life and personality to your entries.  

Set a Timer

It is important to set a timer when you start writing. This will help you to focus on your entry and have enough time to reflect thoroughly on the day’s events. If you do not use a timer you may spend too much or too little time updating your journal. As a result, the benefits of writing are less effective and you are less likely to maintain the habit. 

Use Writing Prompts

If you want to start writing but are unsure what to write about, getting a journal with preprinted prompts may help. A journal prompt is a simple statement that is designed to inspire you and get your creative juices flowing. Journal prompts can help you to overcome mental blocks and focus on a particular idea. Some popular journal prompts are:

  • Write about your childhood
  • Share something positive that happened to you today
  • Write about your regrets
  • What brings you the most joy?
  • Who are the most important people in your life?

Although keeping a journal may seem challenging at first, the benefits of writing far outweigh any potential disadvantages. It can help you to understand yourself better, become a better person, and strengthen your connections with the people who matter most. Writing can also help you to cope with common mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder. Your path to a healthier, happier, and more fulfilling life may begin as soon as you pick up your favorite pen.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings
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