The history of mental health care in the late 1600s is dark and sordid. In those days, individuals who had severe mental health concerns were thought to be possessed by demons. These people were sometimes tortured or beaten to chase out the evil spirits. When these efforts were ultimately unsuccessful, some mentally ill people were executed to free them from demonic possession. 

The mental health industry today is far different from what it once was. Right now, millions of people in hundreds of countries are able to get effective mental health services. Individuals who live in the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA Metro Area may also access mental health treatment by visiting local therapists. Seattle therapists are well-trained to help residents with mental health issues who need professional care. 

Online Therapy in Seattle-Tacoma is a New Approach to Effective Mental Health Care

The majority of mental health modalities today is based on medical science. However, many people who need professional treatment services are not able to access them. One major barrier to care is the relatively high cost of in-office counseling services with licensed therapists. Seattle residents who face this barrier may access affordable online counseling services in their area.

A second drawback of traditional in-office therapy is its inconvenience. In many cases, people who need care are physically incapable of traveling to a therapist. Tacoma and Seattle residents with busy schedules may not have the time to travel to their mental health appointments. With online therapy though, services are delivered to the homes of clients at a time that is convenient for them. 

How Does Therapy Work?

Therapy can help individuals to increase their self-esteem, improve their relationships, and become more hopeful about the future. People in therapy can also develop useful skills to manage their concerns each day. During treatment, individuals discover the root causes for their issues as they work with their therapist. Tacoma and Seattle residents with anxiety, depression, or related conditions may be helped to improve in positive thinking.

Positive thinking is an important factor for good mental health. If thinking patterns become very negative, they may lead to negative emotions and actions. As mental health treatment progresses, a number of therapeutic modalities may be used by therapists. Seattle and Tacoma therapists may use evidence-based approaches such as interpersonal psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, or dialectical behavior therapy to readjust negative thought patterns.

The First Session

Don’t worry if you feel a bit anxious about going to therapy for the first time. These feeling are normal. Learning about what you should expect in treatment can help you to keep your nerves under control. Planning ahead for each 50 minute session may also help you to settle down.

Before you enter the treatment room, think deeply about the issues that are affecting you. If you understand the basic issues that brought you to therapy, you will likely work more efficiently with your therapist. Tacoma and Seattle residents may take along a list of topics they want to cover in their first meeting. They may also take along a notebook and a pen to record helpful suggestions and ideas from their therapist.   

First Impressions

First impressions matter in psychotherapy. This is because your first impressions may influence how the rest of the treatment process unfolds. It is vital that you pay attention to your emotions as you speak with local therapists. Seattle and Tacoma therapists who make you feel safe and comfortable in the treatment room may be suitable for long-term mental health services.


A good rapport is crucial to successful therapy. Establishing free-flowing communication with your therapist starts in your initial session together. People who are new to mental health counseling are often nervous about talking to licensed therapists. Seattle and Tacoma therapists know how you feel and are expertly trained to guide the discussions in each session.

Presenting Problem

In your initial meeting, your therapist will encourage you to talking about your presenting problem. This is the issue or challenge that motivated you to see a licensed therapist. Tacoma and Seattle residents may feel overwhelmed with fear, anger, embarrassment, shame, or guilt when discussing their personal concerns. However this is important as it helps the therapist to provide treatment that is tailor-made for you.

Personal History

Your mental health provider will likely inquire about your personal history during your first meeting. He or she may ask questions about your medical history, family history, mental state, childhood, substance use, past trauma, and relationships. Some individuals find it hard to share these types of details with a therapist. Tacoma and Seattle therapists analyze this data and use it to help diagnose your condition and design an appropriate treatment plan. 

What Happens in Follow Up Sessions?

As your treatment progresses, your mental health counselor may give you some tests or assessments to complete. These tests will help your therapist to evaluate the severity of your mental health issue, pinpoint any unhealthy coping techniques you may be using, and find out more about your personality. You will likely be given homework or activities to complete outside of your scheduled time with your therapist. Tacoma and Seattle therapists will gauge the progress you are making in treatment and work with you to expand or reformulate your therapeutic goals.

Am I Going to Get Diagnosed with a Mental Illness?

Making the decision to go to therapy does not mean you have a mental health disorder. Many people with good mental health have regular visits with a therapist. Tacoma and Seattle therapists may help individuals and couples to:

  • Strengthen their interpersonal relationships
  • Increase their self-confidence
  • Improve their parenting skills
  • Understand their children better
  • Cope with a death in the family
  • Deal with divorce
  • Manage stress
  • Improve work or academic performance
  • Increase intimacy
  • Resolve problems in their marriage
  • Improve their communication skills
  • Become more sociable

What Can I Do to Get the Most Out of Online Therapy in Seattle-Tacoma?

A therapy session is quite different from a medical exam or a dental exam. While these exams are beneficial if the individual is passive, therapy is beneficial when clients are active and engaged with their therapists. Seattle-Tacoma residents have better treatment results when they talk freely with their mental health provider. Additional suggestions for getting the most out of each treatment session are listed below.

Be Honest

Successful treatment largely depends on the honesty of clients. Many individuals find it difficult to be truthful when talking about events or experiences that highlight their shortcomings. For example, people in therapy may be tempted to hide the truth when discussing their addiction, abuse, drug use, infidelity, or other personal challenges.

Although difficult, clients are encouraged to be completely honest when speaking with their therapists. Seattle-Tacoma therapists can only provide effective care if they completely understand the issues their clients are facing. 

Be Open Minded

It is crucial that you enter therapy with an open mind. Clients may have unrealistic expectations or unwarranted fears about treatment. Some people believe therapy will fix every problem they have. Other individuals may think talk therapy has no real benefit.

The truth is clients need to work hard and participate in therapy if they want to resolve their issues. In some cases, therapy lasts for weeks. In other more severe cases, therapy may last for several years.

Ask Questions

Many questions are usually asked in therapy. Your mental health provider will ask questions to learn more about your personality, background, and personal challenges. You can direct questions to your therapist to reduce your nervousness and assess whether he or she is a good fit for your needs. A few questions you can ask are listed below.:

  • Do you have a valid license to offer mental health services to me?
  • What mental health training have you received?
  • What are your qualifications?
  • What therapeutic approach do you typically use?
  • What is your specialty?
  • Do you think I have a mental health disorder?
  • How much does a session with you cost?
  • Can you prescribe medication?
  • How long is each session?
  • How many sessions do you think I need?

Find Your Therapist in Seattle-Tacoma With ThriveTalk

ThriveTalk offers high-quality online counseling services to people in the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA Metro Area. The counselors, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, and psychologists on the platform are specially chosen for their mental health expertise and personal warmth. The therapists on ThriveTalk are not required to rent office space to offer their services. This means ThriveTalk therapists can offer expert counseling at much lower costs than therapists who work in-office. 

Online therapy also provides much greater convenience and privacy than traditional psychotherapy. Individuals who use online therapy with ThriveTalk can choose their own appointment times rather than having to squeeze into a therapist’s busy work schedule. In most cases, online therapy is conducted in the privacy and comfort of your home. Consequently, none of your friends, relatives, or workmates will ever see you stepping into a therapist’s office.

Online therapy on the ThriveTalk platform is effective, fast, convenient, confidential, and affordable. Individuals in the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA Metro Area may connect with ThriveTalk therapists today by using their mobile phone or laptop.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings

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