Mental health treatment has a sordid history. In the 17th century, people with mental health issues were believed to be possessed by a demon. In many cases, these individuals were tortured to drive out the evil spirit. When these attempts failed, the “possessed” person was sometimes executed to provide eternal release from the torment.

Thankfully, much has changed in the mental health field. Today, millions of people around the world are able to receive effective mental health care. Men, women, and children who live in the Providence-Warwick, RI-MA Metro Area may also benefit from visiting a licensed therapist. Providence therapists are expertly trained to assist people of all ages who are experiencing mental health challenges.

Online Therapy in Providence is a New Approach to Mental Health Care

Online therapy is one of the newest approaches to effective mental health care. Although many modern therapeutic approaches are effective and clinically-supported, the cost of treatment may make these services inaccessible to the average person. However, online therapy is much more affordable than traditional in-office treatment with a licensed therapist. Providence residents who are mentally ill and have financial limitations may access expert counseling services via online therapy.

Another benefit of online therapy is its incredible convenience. Some people with mental health issues may not have the time or physical ability to visit therapist. Providence residents in this situation may take advantage of online therapy. This new mode of treatment is revolutionizing the mental health industry in the United States.

How Does Therapy Work?

Therapy helps people to understand and address the underlying reasons for their issues. They may also learn effective skills to manage adverse symptoms. Individuals in treatment are encouraged to address their issues and work at their own pace by their therapist. Providence residents with issues such as depression or anxiety may be helped to adjust negative perspectives. 

Negative thoughts can lead to negative emotions and harmful actions. People who tend to have a negative outlook can learn techniques to help them think more positively. A variety of treatment approaches may be used by your therapist. Providence residents may benefit from approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and interpersonal psychotherapy. 

The First Session

It is normal to feel nervous for your first psychotherapy session. However, knowing what to expect and planning ahead can help to keep your emotions under control. Therapy sessions generally last for 50 minutes. 

Before you come to therapy, think carefully about the issue that is affecting you. This can help you to work more efficiently with your therapist. Providence residents are encouraged to bring a list of points they want to address in their first session. 

Bring along a notebook to jot down ideas and suggestions from your therapist. Providence therapists who are working with children may also want to see the child’s report card or notes from his or her teacher. 

First Impressions

First impressions can set the tone for the entire therapeutic process. So it is important to pay attention to how you feel as you converse with your therapist. Providence therapists who make you feel comfortable and secure in your first session may be perfect for long-term treatment. If you do not feel comfortable with your therapist, it will likely impact treatment later on.


Good communication is crucial to successful therapy. Establishing good rapport with your therapist begins in your initial meeting. Many people who enter therapy for the first time are understandably anxious about speaking with a licensed therapist. Providence therapists are aware of how you feel and they are trained to help you keep the conversation moving forward.

Presenting Problem

Your therapist will expect your to speak about your presenting problem in your initial session. Your presenting problem is the issue that made you decide to seek a therapist. Providence residents may have difficulty discussing their presenting problem due to feelings of shame, guilt, anger, or embarrassment. However, you need to speak honestly about your issues if you want to receive effective treatment.

Personal History

During your initial session, you will have to share your personal history with your therapist. Providence therapists may ask about your medical history, mental health history, family history, past and current relationships, childhood, drug use, alcohol use, and any past traumatic events you experienced. Many people are hesitant about discussing their personal history with another individual. Nevertheless, your personal history can help your therapist to diagnose your condition accurately and determine the best way to address your concerns. 

What Happens in Follow Up Sessions?

As your sessions continue, your therapist may want to administer a few tests or assessments as part of the getting-to-know-you process. These tests can help your therapist to determine the depth and extent of your mental health condition, uncover any unhealthy coping mechanisms, and learn more about your personality. You may also receive homework that you need to do outside of your scheduled sessions with your therapist. Providence therapists will gauge your progress and work with you to reevaluate or expand your therapeutic goals if necessary.

Am I Going to Get Diagnosed with a Mental Illness?

Not everyone who visits a mental health professional will be diagnosed with a mental illness. In fact, many people who have good mental health often visit a therapist. Providence therapists may help local residents to:

  • Improve their parenting skills
  • Become more sociable
  • Learn more about their children
  • Improve their communication skills
  • Resolve marital or relationship issues
  • Improve their productivity at work or school
  • Identify and work towards their life goals
  • Recognize their innate strengths
  • Work through confusing feelings
  • Identify weaknesses they need to work on 
  • Improve their problem-solving skills
  • Increase their positivity
  • Become more self-aware
  • Overcome negative habits
  • Improve their decision-making skills
  • Cope with the death of a loved one
  • Deal with divorce
  • Cope with disappointment in a healthy way
  • Increase their intimacy
  • Manage stress in a healthy manner
  • Become more balanced
  • Find more joy in life
  • Build up their self-confidence and self-worth

What Can I Do to Get the Most Out of Online Therapy?

Going to therapy is not like going for a medical checkup or a dental exam. While those types of appointments require that you remain relatively passive during the process, therapy becomes more beneficial the more you interact with your therapist. Providence residents are encouraged to communicate freely with their mental health provider. Some suggestions for getting the most out of treatment are listed below. 

Be Honest

Honesty is crucial for successful therapy. However, many people find it difficult to be honest about issues that make them feel embarrassed or guilty. For example, individuals who go to therapy may be hesitant to talk about infidelity, addiction, loss of sex drive, or other concerns. Even so, clients are encouraged to be honest with their therapist. Providence therapists need to know the complete story so they can offer effective care.

Be Open Minded

It is important that clients remain open-minded during therapy. This is because some individuals may have unrealistic expectations about treatment. Some people view therapy as an instant cure that will fix any problems they have. Others may have a very negative view of therapy and may not give the approach an opportunity to work.

Real effort is needed for therapy to be successful. Depending on the issue you are facing, therapy may last for a few weeks, several months, or a few years. 

Ask Questions

Asking questions is important for you and your therapist. Providence therapists will ask questions to learn more about you and the issues you are facing. Knowing what questions you can ask your therapist can help to reduce your anxiety and find out if you are a good fit for each other. A few questions you can ask your therapist are posted below:

  • Do you have a valid license to provide mental health care?
  • What training have you received?
  • How much experience do you have in the mental health field?
  • What treatment techniques do you use?
  • What experience do you have treating my specific issue?
  • What is your specialty?
  • How much does treatment cost?
  • Are you able to prescribe medication?
  • How long is each session?
  • How long will treatment last?

Find Your Therapist in Providence With ThriveTalk

ThriveTalk is a secure platform that provides online therapy services for people in the Providence-Warwick, RI-MA Metro Area. Each therapist is carefully selected and vetted to ensure clients receive the highest quality treatment. As ThriveTalk therapists do not have to rent office space, they are able to pass these savings on to their clients. Online therapy with ThriveTalk is far more affordable than in-office therapy.

Online counseling with ThriveTalk is also more convenient and more confidential than traditional psychotherapy. Clients are able to choose their preferred appointment time rather than squeeze into any leftover slots the therapist has available. As sessions can be conducted in the privacy of your home, no one will ever see you visiting a mental health professional. 

Online therapy with ThriveTalk is fast, effective, convenient, and confidential. Residents in the Providence-Warwick, RI-MA Metro Area can access ThriveTalk services on their mobile phone or laptop at the touch of a button.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings

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