Mental health care in the 17th century was incredibly dangerous, dark, and depressing. In that era, people who experienced chronic mental health challenges were thought to be demon-possessed. These individuals were often tortured to drive away the evil spirits. When these endeavors failed, mentally ill people were sometimes executed to release them from their spiritual captivity. 

Today, mental health care is very different. Millions of people from many countries around the world receive professional services that are safe and effective. Men, women, and children who reside in the Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area may access care by visiting a licensed psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia mental health professionals are expertly trained to assist residents with mental health issues. 

Online Therapy in Baltimore is a New Mental Health Treatment

Many mental health approaches today are evidence-based and clinically-supported. Even so, a large number of people with mental health disorders do not receive care. A primary reason for this situation is the expense associated with seeing a licensed psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia residents who have mental health challenges may use affordable online therapy services to get the help they require. 

A second barrier to traditional mental health treatment is its lack of convenience. Some individuals with physical limitations may be unable to drive to a local therapist. Columbia MD and Baltimore residents who have packed schedules may not be able to get to their therapy appointments on time. With online therapy, however, clients are able to access care in their home at a time that suits them.

How Does Therapy Work?

People come to therapy to understand the reasons for their concerns, strengthen their interpersonal relationships, and find more joy in life. They may also learn new skills that help to alleviate any negative symptoms they are experiencing. In each session, clients work at a comfortable pace under the guidance of their psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia residents who suffer from depression, anxiety, or other related concerns may be helped to combat negative thought patterns.

Negative thinking can contribute to poor mental, emotional, and physical health. In therapy, people learn how to recognize and adjust unrealistic negative thoughts. Depending on the issue being addressed, a number of modalities may be used by the therapist. Columbia MD and Baltimore therapists may use empirically-supported modalities such as dialectical behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

The First Session

Don’t be surprised if you feel a little nervous about meeting your therapist. Columbia MD and Baltimore residents are more likely to remain calm in their first session if they have an idea of what to expect. Planning ahead can also help them to reduce anxiety. The initial session may last for 45 to 50 minutes.

Before you visit your therapist, spend some time thinking the issues that moved you to seek professional care. Understanding the reasons you need assistance can help you to converse and work more effectively with your psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia residents may find therapy more rewarding if they bring a list of topics they want to talk about in their first session. A notebook and pen to record important points and suggestions may also be helpful.  

First Impressions

How you feel in your first therapy session is very important. This is because your first impressions may dictate how successful your treatment is. Take note of your emotions as you exchange thoughts, ideas, concerns, and goals with your psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia therapists who put you at ease in your first meeting may be a good fit for your mental health needs.


Having a good rapport with your psychologist is crucial to your therapeutic success. Building good communication channels begins in your first meeting with him or her. Individuals who are trying therapy for the first time may be intimidated by the thought of conversing with a licensed psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia therapists understand your anxiety and they will help you to express yourself clearly in each session.

Presenting Problem

In your first therapy session, your therapist will ask you to share your presenting problem with him or her. Your presenting problem is the issue that caused you to seek help from a licensed psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia residents may experience fear, embarrassment, guilt, anger, or shame at the thought of talking about their personal challenges. However, discussing your presenting problem is vital so that your therapist can provide treatment that is custom-made for you.

Personal History

Your psychologist may ask you to share information about your personal history in your initial meeting. This may include details about your relationships, drug use, alcohol use, mental state, medical history, family history, past trauma, and childhood experiences. Although you may be hesitant to share this type of information with a psychologist, Baltimore and Columbia residents typically have better treatment results if they provide a complete, accurate account of their life story.

What Happens in Follow Up Sessions?

During your first few follow up sessions, your psychologist may ask you to complete some assessments or tests. These assessments will give your therapist a better understanding of your personality, the severity of your mental health disorder, as well as any harmful strategies you may be using to cope. You will also be asked to complete activities or homework outside of your regularly scheduled time with your psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia MD therapists will evaluate your progress and help you to redefine or expand your treatment goals as needed.

Am I Going to Get Diagnosed with a Mental Illness?

Coming to therapy does not automatically mean your therapist will diagnose you with a mental health condition. Many couples, families, and individuals who have excellent mental health pay regular visits to a licensed psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia therapists may help residents to:

  • Cope with divorce
  • Resolve problems in their marriage
  • Improve their relationships
  • Increase intimacy and emotional connection
  • Improve their parenting skills
  • Learn more about their children
  • Communicate more effectively
  • Become more friendly
  • Cope with the death of a close family member
  • Manage stress in a healthy way
  • Become more productive at school or work
  • Grow in self-confidence

What Can I Do to Get the Most Out of Online Therapy?

A session with your therapist is different from an appointment with your medical doctor or dentist. While your doctor or dentist may ask you to remain passive during the treatment process, therapy is most rewarding when you are interacting with your therapist. Columbia MD and Baltimore residents are encouraged to communicate freely with their psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia therapists can also assist you more effectively if you follow the suggestions outlined below.

Be Honest

Your honesty plays a large role in how successful your treatment will be. Nevertheless, many people are tempted to hide the truth when discussing experiences or events that reflect badly on them. For example, individuals in therapy may hide details about their marital infidelities, addiction, loss of sex drive, or other embarrassing personal issues.

Although it can be challenging, people in treatment are urged to be honest with their psychologist. Baltimore and Columbia therapists are only able to offer effective treatment services if they understand what their clients are going through.

Be Open Minded

It is best if you approach mental health treatment with an open mind. Clients sometimes have unwarranted fears or unrealistic expectations about therapy. Some clients think therapy has the power to fix every problem they have. Other clients have a negative view of therapy and believe it will never work.

The truth is you need to participate and work hard if you want your treatment to be successful. Depending on the type and severity of your issues, treatment may last for several weeks, several months, or several years.

Ask Questions

Your psychologist will ask you many questions in order to learn more about your background, personality, issues, and progress. You can also ask your mental health provider any questions you have as treatment progresses. Asking questions will help you to feel less anxious in each session. It can also help you to find out if your therapist is someone you would like to work with long-term. A few of the questions you can ask your psychologist are shared below:

  • Do you have a valid license to practice mental health counseling?
  • What are your mental health qualifications?
  • How much professional experience do you have in the mental health field?
  • What is your therapeutic orientation?
  • What is your area of expertise?
  • Do you think I have a mental health condition?
  • Are you able to prescribe any medications I may need?
  • How long does each session last?
  • How many therapy sessions do you think I need to overcome my issue?

Find Your Baltimore Therapist With ThriveTalk

ThriveTalk provides expert online counseling services to individuals in the Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area. The clinical social workers, psychiatrists, counselors, psychologists, and marriage and family therapists on the platform are carefully selected based on their personal warmth and expertise in the mental health field. As ThriveTalk therapists do not need to lease office space to offer counseling services, they can pass these saving on to their clients. Online therapy with ThriveTalk is much less expensive than traditional psychotherapy. 

When compared to in-office therapy, online counseling offers superior convenience and privacy. ThriveTalk clients can choose the time they want for their appointments and can even access mental health services when they travel out of town. As online therapy is usually conducted in the comfort of your home, your privacy is also protected. Your relatives, friends, workmates, or schoolmates will never see you visiting a psychologist’s office. 

ThriveTalk offers online therapy that is fast, effective, easy to access, confidential, and affordable. People who live in the Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD Metro Area may access the ThriveTalk platform on their laptop or mobile phone.  

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings

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