Life can be difficult at the best of times. When suffering from a mental illness, simply making it through the day can take tremendous effort.

Mental illness is a major cause for concern in the United States. Approximately 1 in 5 adults suffers from a mental illness, according to recent statistics. Unfortunately, mental healthcare initiatives are not keeping up with the problem.

More than half of those suffering from a mental illness are not receiving treatment of any kind. There are a range of reasons for this, from the stigma connected with talking about mental illness, to lack of awareness. Therapy can be very expensive, and may require people to take time off from work.

Salt Lake City, and Utah in general, is one of the lowest ranked regions of the US in terms of access to treatment.

Therefore, therapy is seen by some as a privilege, rather than a necessary treatment. Those who can afford to spend the time and money on it, benefit. Those who can’t are left in the lurch.

ThriveTalk is here to change this. Online therapy with ThriveTalk makes treatment accessible to everyone.

If you’ve been looking for a therapist in Salt Lake City, your search is over. Here is how ThriveTalk will connect you to an online therapist in no time.

Online Therapy is an Effective Way To Get The Help You’re Looking For

Before going into the specifics, you may be skeptical about whether online therapy is a good alternative to traditional therapy. Well, studies have shown that online therapy is at least as effective as regular therapy.

Online therapy is relatively new, and more data will come to light about its advantages as studies explore its ins-and-outs. What evidence we do have suggests that online therapy is more than ideal for anyone looking for a psychologist.

What is Online Therapy?

Online therapy refers to therapy that takes place remotely. You connect via voice and video calling to your therapist. You don’t need to be in their office or anywhere near it.

It has the advantages of being convenient and affordable, as well as opening up new modes of communication. Your therapist can easily share resources with you, and therapy can be less conventional and more suited to the individual.

It also gives you the opportunity to connect with a therapist who would otherwise be too far to reach in person. You can find the right therapist, rather than the one who just happens to be closest.

Getting The Help You Need and Deserve With ThriveTalk

Many people are discouraged by the practical difficulties of finding a therapist in Salt Lake City. They end up putting it off indefinitely, or until they have no other choice. No one should have to weigh up therapy against unmovable commitments. It should be an integrated part of your life, rather than a disruptive presence.

ThriveTalk makes it possible to get the help you deserve. You don’t have to compromise anything else to make it to therapy. A tight work schedule doesn’t need to be a determining factor.

With ThriveTalk, a 50 minute session takes 50 minutes. You never have to account for travel time and traffic.

Inconvenience is no longer a reason not to go to therapy. Finding a therapist in Salt Lake City or beyond has never been easier.

Therapy Is For Everyone

If you’re suffering from a mental illness, therapy is a necessity. It will help you learn to manage your difficulties and overcome your challenges.

But you don’t have to have a mental illness to benefit from therapy. Therapy is for everyone. We all go through tough times in our lives and professional help can ensure we resolve problems in the most effective ways.

Also, no one is given a manual to life. However, important aspects of our lives, such as the search for meaning, and starting and maintaining a relationship, are very difficult to negotiate alone. Most people fumble through these things, achieving some sort of success only if they’re lucky.

Therapists are trained to guide you along the crucial journeys we all go through. Your relationship shouldn’t be left up to chance. Neither should your quest towards finding balance and purpose.

Finding The Right Therapist For You

The success of therapy is dependent on your relationship with your therapist. If you cannot connect with them, or if you simply can’t get on board with their approach, you won’t be able to make the most of it.

However, when looking for a therapist in Salt Lake City, you may end up choosing someone simply because of proximity. Although they might not be the right therapist for you, it’s impossible to drive to another town for every session.

Online therapy with ThriveTalk solves that problem. Find the right therapist for you, no matter where in the country they are. Use the simple online platform to choose between our highly-skilled psychologists.

Each of them is an expert in their field. You can find a specialist in a range of therapies, including individual therapy, couples counseling, and social work.

Set up a consultation to assess whether they truly are the right therapist with you. Spend some time talking with them to see if you’re able to form a rapport. Chances are, you’ll find a few excellent options to choose between. The benefits of speaking to someone you feel comfortable sharing with are huge.

Why Online Therapy May Be Even More Effective Than Face-To-Face

Online therapy is as effective as traditional therapy. But could it be even better?

Many therapists have stated that they’ve had better results with online clients than in face-to-face sessions. They give a number of reasons for this.

  • Many clients feel safer opening up when they’re in the comfort of their own home or office. Instead of spending time settling in and becoming oriented with the environment, they can focus on working towards their goals from the get-go.

  • Clients have expressed that going for a walk or relaxing in their own living room during a session makes them more comfortable sharing.

  • Many of our therapists encourage their clients to text them through the ThriveTalk platform when they’re in the middle of a difficult situation. They have the opportunity to receive support while they’re experiencing the issue, rather than waiting to come into the office. This way, they can get to the root of the problem quickly and precisely. In sessions, they have more time to debrief, then deal with other issues.

Online therapy feels safer, and this makes it easier for many clients to open up. Therapy can take place in a less conventional setting, which sometimes makes it easier for clients to integrate it into their real lives.


When working a 9-to-5, seeing a therapist in Salt Lake City might be impossible. When you include travel and waiting time, a session ends up taking far longer than the break time you have available.

The convenience of online therapy eliminates this problem. Simply log on at the time of your session and you’ll connect with your therapist immediately. You can go straight from a meeting into your session, and from your session into your next meeting.

If you don’t have time during work, you can speak to your therapist later on without compromising on family time. You won’t have to rush through dinner or lose your chance to relax before getting ready for the next day.

No One Has To Know You’re In Therapy

Therapy is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, choosing to see a therapist is a brave decision that will result in unbelievable improvements to your life. Very few people are naturally comfortable asking for help, and it takes tremendous strength of will to do so.

However, not everyone sees it that way. There is still a stigma surrounding going to therapy. People see it through the distorted perspective of old-school beliefs rather than seeing it as science-based treatment. Mental illness itself is misunderstood. Often, people choose to let their problems get the better of them rather than seeking help.

With ThriveTalk, no one has to know you’re in therapy. Our highly-skilled professionals are bound by confidentiality. It is illegal for them to share what you’ve told them unless they have evidence you’re a direct danger to yourself or others.

No one will see you walking in or out of a therapist’s office. It is so convenient that keeping it to yourself will never be a problem.

Get Started Today

Finding a therapist in Salt Lake City has never been easier. Use ThriveTalk to set up a session with your ideal therapist.

Our handy online platform makes it simple to compare therapists to find the right one for you. Your wellbeing is at your fingertips.

Click through now to set up a consultation with one of ThriveTalk’s trained professionals.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings

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