Seeing a therapist is an exciting decision. You have taken the first step to change your life for the better. Soon, you will be getting all the help you need to deal with whatever life throws in your direction.

You’re not the only one who needs help. No one is born knowing how to handle every situation, and managing our feelings is not something they teach in school. A therapist can help you explore whatever has been bothering you and give you new skills for effectively resolving day-to-day issues.

Of course, for someone suffering with a mental illness, counseling is crucial. Yet in America, fewer than 50% of all people with at least one mental illness are not receiving treatment of any kind!

That’s over 20 million people who are battling severe illness without professional guidance. The United States unfortunately has a mental illness problem that most people are either unaware of or trying to pretend it doesn’t exist.

Access to mental health treatment is limited. It takes time and money, even if you know where to find someone. Virginia, unfortunately, is one of the most difficult states to find mental healthcare.

If you’ve tried searching for counseling in Virginia Beach, you will know that it can be a struggle. You will have trawled through directories, crossing off those who are not in your proximity. Then, after phoning those who appeal to you, you’ll have found that many of them are booked up for months. You end up choosing whoever is close and available, rather than the person you like most.

ThriveTalk is here to change that. We offer online therapy to Virginia Beach and beyond.

Rather than leaving your mental health to chance, you can find a counselor in just a few clicks. Here’s how it works.

Online Therapy is a New Method for an Old Treatment

Online therapy is very similar to traditional therapy. The approaches and techniques used by our therapists are the same as those used by therapists in Virginia Beach and throughout America. That’s because our therapists are regular therapists – with all the qualifications and certifications that they need.

The difference is that therapists with ThriveTalk connect to you via an online platform. Instead of you driving to their office, you simply log in and chat via video or voice calling. This saves money and time, and ensures you can see the right therapist for you, even if they are some distance aways.

ThriveTalk makes counseling in Virginia Beach accessible to all. Therapy is no longer limited to the privileged few. Anyone ready to ask for help can get it at the click of a button.

How Does Therapy Work?

Online therapy works just like traditional therapy. But if you’ve never seen a therapist, you might be wondering what therapy entails.

At its core, therapy is about the relationship between you and your psychologist. You build a rapport and they act as a guide in your mental health journey. Not only do they give you skills to deal with crises, but you can use the space to be the person you’re scared to show to anyone else.

This is very powerful, especially since it is within a relationship that is not built on judgment or expectations. It is an empowering process, something that millions of people can attest to.

Start searching now and you’ll be having your first counseling session in no time.

The First Session

The first session itself is an important step in the process. It can be very disorienting, and many people have expressed the wish for it to be demystified. No matter what therapist you choose, there are some universal principles.

    First Impressions

From the moment you start your first session, you will begin to take in first impressions of both your therapist and the process itself. Some of these impressions will be confirmed over time, while others will fall away. It is important to stay open and accept that it takes a bit of time to get a clear idea of what therapy is.

Your counselor will also get their first impressions of you. They will make observations and might write some of them down. They will, however, remain cognisant that their interpretations won’t necessarily be 100% accurate. They are trained to reassess and challenge their own thoughts. So, if you feel like they haven’t understood you completely, don’t worry. The more they get to know you, the better they’ll get you.

Of course, you must be open to changing your own perceptions about yourself. 


Therapists need to be very good at building a rapport. They will begin developing the relationship right from the beginning. It takes some clients longer to feel comfortable with people in general. If you’re not the type of person who can build rapport that quickly, it’s no problem. It will develop over time, and will be all the stronger for it.

    Presenting Problem

Your counselor will want to know your primary reason for seeking therapy. You will discuss and explore it with them briefly (for now).

You might not be 100% sure of why exactly you’ve come to therapy. Maybe you’re aware that you need help with certain things, but can’t pinpoint what the problem is. Your therapist will help you explore your issues to identify the biggest motivating factor.

    Personal History

Much of the first session will be taken up by your personal history. This is a brief description of your parents, siblings, and any other close family, your major milestones and achievements, your losses and disappointments, and anything else that has helped shape you.

Throughout the therapy process, you will refer back to your history to help understand your present issues. This is not a matter of obsessing over the past. Rather, they are getting a context to who you are, and why you approach various life events the way you do. A major part of therapy is learning to change your habits and coping mechanisms, so that you live in a more effective and satisfying way.

Start searching for counseling in Virginia Beach and find the right online therapist for you anywhere in the country.

What Happens in Follow-Up Sessions?

The first session is about starting a relationship and creating the outline of a treatment plan. In follow-up sessions, your therapist will begin to implement the treatment plan. Your relationship will develop and grow stronger as you get to know each other better.

You will begin understanding yourself better and start gaining skills to manage situations and feelings more effectively. You will feel the weight being taken off your shoulders, as you finally get professional help with something you’ve been struggling with.

Am I Going to Get Diagnosed with a Mental Illness?

If you show symptoms of a mental illness, your psychologist will advise you on a diagnosis. They will form your treatment plan accordingly, as well as recommending a psychiatrist and other professionals if necessary.

But you don’t need a mental illness to go to therapy. Everyone struggles with certain things, and none of us know how best to manage our feelings. We all need help.

Thus, if you do not have symptoms of a mental illness, your therapist will nonetheless help you tremendously. You will learn to change destructive patterns and find better balance and meaning in your life.

Finding counseling in Virginia Beach is no longer difficult. Everyone deserves the help that therapy can bring them. Use ThriveTalk’s intuitive platform to find a therapist now.

What Can I Do to Get the Most Out of Online Therapy?

Your therapist will help you get the most out of online therapy. They will be by your side as you open up and become vulnerable with them. They will call you out when you’re avoiding certain topics or hiding behind old defenses.

It is helpful to follow some basic principles to get the most out of therapy. Your therapist will remind you of them, but it is up to you to make the commitment.

Be Honest

Therapy can only be effective if you are honest. But being honest about certain things doesn’t come naturally. Commit to being as honest as possible, and noticing when you are choosing to distort or hide the truth.

Be Open-Minded

One thing everyone learns in therapy is that they don’t know themselves as well as they thought they did. They learn things about themselves that allow them to make the changes that are needed in their lives. You have to be open-minded to learning these things and recognizing that some of your old notions and assumptions are distortions.

Ask Questions

Therapy works best if you are on board completely. If you don’t understand something, whether about yourself or the process, ask questions before moving on. This way, you can best stay in tune with the process.

Find Your Therapist With ThriveTalk

Finding counseling in Virginia Beach has never been easier. Use ThriveTalk today to find the perfect therapist for you.

Get started now and you’ll be speaking to a highly-qualified professional in no time.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings

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