Mankind has struggled with a variety of mental illnesses throughout history. In the past, many mental health treatments were dangerous, ineffective, or inhumane. In the early 17th century, mental health treatment may have involved boring a hole through a person’s skull, purging, or bloodletting. Soon after, people with mental disorders were imprisoned in asylums that offered negligible mental health care.

These days, many mental health approaches are effective, safe, and backed by medical science. In the United States, the most popular treatment modality for mental health issues is psychotherapy. Effective care is vital as 1 in 5 adults in America has to cope with mental health issues each year. This figure corresponds to approximately 44 million people or 18% of the country’s population.

Thousands of people in the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI Metro Area who are experiencing chronic mental disorders would have better health outcomes if they visited a therapist. Minneapolis and St Paul residents, though, have several socioeconomic barriers to mental health treatment. Despite these circumstances, people in the Twin Cities are optimistic about local mental health. The primary reason for this is the use of online therapy by an increasing number of therapists in Minneapolis-St. Paul.

Online Therapy in Minneapolis-St. Paul is a New Approach to Mental Health Treatment

Online therapy refers to the delivery of professional counseling and mental health services over the web. This form of treatment is sometimes called internet therapy, e-therapy, e-counseling, or web therapy. Individuals who require mental health treatment may engage in online therapy with a licensed counselor, psychiatrist, psychologist, clinical social worker, or marriage and family therapist. St. Paul MN and Minneapolis residents may also avail themselves of these resources as needed.

Online therapy is greatly improving the mental health industry. This type of care is generally more affordable and more convenient than in-office sessions with a therapist. Minneapolis residents and people in the wider Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI Metro Area may use e-therapy to navigate temporal and financial barriers to counseling. E-therapy offers easy access to professional care.

How Does Online Therapy in Minneapolis-St. Paul Work?

Psychotherapy utilizes evidence-based techniques to help men, women, and children to overcome life challenges or manage mental health issues in a healthy manner. People in treatment learn about the underlying reasons for their concerns and develop the skills needed to cope with them. Popular types of psychotherapy include dialectical behavior therapy, narrative therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy. 

Therapy produces the best results when there is a strong, supportive relationship between the person in treatment and the therapist. Minneapolis residents who lower their defenses, share their story, and work hard in therapy are better positioned to improve their long-term mental health.

The First Session

Many people feel nervous for their first therapy session. This is usually because they do not know what to say to their therapist. Minneapolis therapists are aware of how you may feel and have the necessary training to direct the discussion. Learning what to expect in your first session can also help you to relax.

First Impressions

In life, first impressions count and the same is true in therapy. Successful treatment starts in your initial session with your therapist. Minneapolis residents are urged to take note of their feelings as they interact with their mental health provider. A counselor who makes you feel comfortable in your initial session may be ideal for long-term mental health care.


It is vital that you build a good rapport with your therapist. St. Paul and Minneapolis residents who get the most from treatment are often honest, open, and relaxed when discussing their issues with their mental health provider. Good rapport is crucial to establishing a strong, trusting therapeutic relationship with your therapist. Minneapolis psychologists, psychiatrists, clinical social workers, and counselors who show qualities such as understanding and empathy have a better chance of developing a good rapport with their clients.

Presenting Problem

In your initial session with your mental health provider, you will need to discuss your presenting problem. This is the specific challenge or issue that made you decide to seek therapy. Individuals in treatment often feel embarrassed, ashamed, upset, or guilty when talking about their presenting concern with a therapist. Minneapolis-St. Paul residents who drop their defenses and share their story are more likely to have good treatment results.

Personal History

During your first meeting, your therapist will ask about your personal history. This may include questions about your childhood experiences, mental health history, family life, relationships, medical history, drug use, alcohol use, or other areas of your personal life. Although these questions may appear to be invasive, they are crucial to your recovery. Accurate data gathered by your therapist is vital for diagnosing your condition and developing an effective treatment plan.

What Happens in Follow Up Sessions?

Your therapist will speak with you about your issue and your treatment goals at the end of your first session. You may also start crafting a treatment plan with the help your therapist. Minneapolis-St. Paul residents may obtain a contract that specifies the responsibilities of the client and therapist, as well as the duration and purpose of therapy. Your therapist may also suggest specific actions you need to take right away to help alleviate your symptoms. 

Your therapist will design your follow up sessions to help you achieve your therapeutic goals. As more information comes to light in therapy, the treatment plan may be revised to produce even better results. After your first few therapy sessions you should understand why you have a presenting issue and how your treatment plan will help you feel better.

Am I Going to Get Diagnosed with a Mental Illness?

Coming to therapy does not necessarily mean you have a mental disorder. In fact, many people who do not have a mental illness seek therapy each year. These individuals may come to therapy because they want to learn specific skills or they want guidance on how to cope with certain life challenges. People with good mental health may come to therapy for the following reasons:

  • To improve their parenting skills
  • To learn more about their children
  • To strengthen the emotional bonds between them and their intimate partner
  • To improve their communication skills
  • To sharpen their problem-solving skills
  • To cope with the death of a loved one in a healthy way
  • To develop a more positive view of life
  • To increase their productivity at school or work
  • To identify their innate strengths
  • To improve their interpersonal relationships
  • To experience personal growth

What Can I Do to Get the Most Out of Online Therapy?

Online therapy can be incredibly rewarding. Even so, there are steps you can take to make your counseling sessions more meaningful as you collaborate with your therapist. St Paul and Minneapolis residents are urged to apply the suggestions listed below to maximize their time in treatment.

Be Honest

People typically seek therapy because they know something is wrong in their life and they need help. Even so, many people find it hard to talk about the challenges they are facing. For example, it can be difficult to talk about issues such as addiction, loss of sex drive, suicidal ideation, or erectile dysfunction. However, effective help is only possible if you speak honestly about your issues with your therapist. Minneapolis-St. Paul therapists are qualified to help you address difficult topics like these so you can benefit fully from your online counseling sessions.

You should also be honest when evaluating the relationship you have with your therapist. St. Paul and Minneapolis residents may develop inappropriate feelings for their therapist as treatment progresses. It is important that you speak with your therapist about your emotions. If the therapeutic relationship is not healthy, it may be wise to seek a new therapist.

Be Open Minded

Although you and your therapist will have a good treatment plan in place, therapy may still bring a few surprises. For example, you may have expected to be further along in your treatment by a certain date or perhaps your mental health provider wants to try a new treatment strategy you have never heard about. Do not let these unexpected events stop you from coming to therapy or start searching for a new therapist. Minneapolis-St. Paul residents who keep an open mind about therapy often have better treatment results than those who act only on impulse.

Ask Questions

You should ask questions in therapy because it can greatly improve the quality of your mental health treatment. Even though it can be uncomfortable to question a licensed mental health professional, it is best to ask about any matters you do not fully grasp. Questions are particularly important in your initial meeting with your therapist. Minneapolis-St.Paul residents are encouraged to ask questions if:

  • Their therapist uses mental health jargon they do not understand
  • They do not understand the details of their treatment plan
  • They want more information about payment options and health insurance
  • They cannot see how a certain therapeutic technique will aid their recovery
  • They want to assess their therapeutic relationship with their therapist
  • They are confused by their emotions. 

Find Your Therapist in Minneapolis-St. Paul With ThriveTalk

ThriveTalk is a safe, secure platform that provides online mental health services for people in the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI Metro Area. Residents who have mental health concerns can use the platform to connect with a licensed therapist. Minneapolis-St. Paul residents can access ThriveTalk on their mobile phone or computer. Online therapy with ThriveTalk is more convenient, faster, and more affordable than in-office therapy.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings

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