Finding a top Chicago psychiatric hospital shouldn’t be difficult since the Windy City offers some of the best mental health facilities in Illinois. Despite recent budgetary cutbacks, the 10 million residents living in the Chicago metropolitan area still benefit from a robust network of mental health clinics and nonprofits.  

Chicago Psychiatric Hospital: Highlights

  • In 2012, nearly half of Chicago psychiatric hospitals and mental health clinics shut down. Since then, officials have created a task force to find solutions for the city’s lack of public mental health services.
  • There are numerous Chicago nonprofits that provide valuable health care services to citizens who might not be able to afford private health care. Among the top providers are the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI), Step Up for Mental Health, and Chicago Global Health Alliance.
  • Chicago is home to America’s largest mental health hospital, which, surprisingly, is a jail. Officials are considering the possibility of implementing policies that could turn Cook County Jail into a healing place for prisoners with mental illness.
  • If you need help finding behavioral health and social services, the Chicago Department of Public Health has set up a website where you can find the resources you need to overcome mental illness.

Which Mental Health Obstacles Need to Be Addressed in Chicago?

Right now, the biggest obstacle that officials need to address is the gap in mental health services caused by the closing of nearly half of all public mental health clinics.

As you can probably imagine, the lack of affordable mental health services can cause severe problems within the community. From homelessness to increased crime rates, the mental health crisis in Chicago has had a serious impact on the community’s well-being.

So, how are officials and policymakers handling the situation?

What is Being Done to Break the Cycle?

Anyone can agree that mental health care should be a top priority for legislators, policymakers, and state officials. To address the gap in mental health services, Illinois state officials have put together a strategic plan that aims to:

  • Improve access to care
  • Maintain financial viability for providers
  • Ensure effective and efficient mental health services
  • Provide home- and community-based services for people with mental illness.

In terms of mental health, things are about to get better for Chicagoans.

Psychiatric Hospitals in Chicago

Although many state hospitals and clinics in Chicago have been affected by strict budget cuts, there are numerous private organizations and psychiatric hospitals that continue to provide top-quality mental health care.

One example is the Hartgrove Hospital, which is part of a private behavioral health system that offers a wide range of services for people with emotional and behavioral problems.   

Here are some of the top Chicago psychiatric hospitals that strive to offer quality mental health services.

Northwestern Memorial Hospital

Northwestern Memorial Hospital is one of the largest providers of inpatient psychiatric services in Chicago. From therapy and medication to outpatient partial hospitalization and follow-up services, this hospital offers both quality psychiatric care and outpatient treatment.

Chicago Behavioral Hospital

If you’re dealing with emotional or behavioral problems, the Chicago Behavioral Hospital is where you’ll find the help you need. Their services are geared toward people who struggle with issues like substance abuse, post-traumatic stress, physical abuse, and so on.

Lakeshore Hospital

Despite budgetary cuts, Lakeshore Hospital has continued to offer proper mental health services for both children and adults who might be struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.

Chicago Children’s Center for Behavioral Health

When it comes to mental health, the Children’s Center for Behavioral Health is one of the few clinics that provide all the services children and teens need to achieve health and well-being.

Aside from a psychiatric unit for inpatient treatment, this clinic also facilitates access to individual and family therapy. That represents a crucial aspect of recovery, as many experts emphasize the importance of a patient-centered approach.

A Plan to Strengthen and Expand Mental Health Services

So, how exactly are officials planning to strengthen and expand mental health services in Chicago?

Improve Access to Care

The first step is improving access to quality mental health care. Ever since many state hospitals were forced to close their doors, citizens from low- and medium-income households have been struggling to gain access to quality mental health treatment.

Ensuring Quality Treatment

A top priority for Illinois state officials is to ensure quality treatment for Chicagoans. Improving the overall quality of mental health services can lead to a significant decrease in dropout and relapse rates. And that means clinics and hospitals will be less crowded by people who haven’t received proper care in the first place.

Mental Health Care to Meet Rising Needs

Problems like depression, anxiety, chemical dependency, and other mood disorders are on the rise. Therefore, it’s obvious that both mental health experts and policymakers must keep up with the increasing demand for psychiatric care, individualized treatment, addiction treatment, and other forms of inpatient and outpatient programs.

Home and Community Based Services

One of the keys to improving the overall health and well-being of Chicagoans is community mental health. That means investing in residential and outpatient treatment. It’s important to remember that people with mental illness aren’t just patients, but also members of the community.

Honoring the Dignity and Worth of Each Individual

The motto of this daring long-term strategy to optimize and revolutionize mental health services across the state of Illinois is “Honoring the dignity and worth of each individual”.  

Long story short, the strategy that Illinois state officials have put in motion will “resuscitate” the Chicago health care system. In other words, Chicago psychiatric hospitals will soon be able to cover the mental health needs of all citizens.

Meta-description: Here’s a list of Chicago psychiatric hospitals that offer quality mental health services for the entire community.

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Angel Rivera
I am a Bilingual (Spanish) Psychiatrist with a mixture of strong clinical skills including Emergency Psychiatry, Consultation Liaison, Forensic Psychiatry, Telepsychiatry and Geriatric Psychiatry training in treatment of the elderly. I have training in EMR records thus very comfortable in working with computers. I served the difficult to treat patients in challenging environments in outpatient and inpatient settings

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